Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 22, 2016

September 22, 2016

Dear Parents, Thanks for the “loan” of your kids, they are a great group!  I enjoyed seeing many of you last night.  Thank you for your support!  Our cookie/magazine sale is going on until October 3!


Spelling: Lesson 3 workbook and test are both due THURSDAY. I realized that with Friday folders, parents may not know the result of spelling tests for a full week, so Thursday is the new day.  The materials and list went home today.  Please help them to remember to keep a copy of the list after they have turned in the workbook. 

Math: 3x’s   This week we are practicing division by three as well as multiplying by 3.  And, of course keeping up on the 2’s and 1’s and 0’s!  The 0-3 x’s and division test will be Friday, September 30.  Their grades on the facts tests are 25% of the total math grade.  Math facts undergird all the math from here on out- all the way through high school.  They are a big push in 4th grade. 

Passport:  The first test is Thursday the 29th, the tests count for 25% of their S.S. grade.

Social Studies/Geography-. We have started our project called Imaginary Country.  The kids will be cartographers and make a map of an imaginary country.  The country must have some of the landforms and map features that we have been studying.  I gave them a list of requirements today.  ALSO, we are playing a language game called: Wonderful Words in the Real World.  The student will get a skittle for every time they see or hear one of the Wonderful Words (at this time, landforms and cartographer) in the world.  So, parents, feel free to reminisce about a trip, or point out a word on the news or a TV show, or a word in a book, so your student can earn a skittle.

Reading- Average 20 minutes per day.  Calendar due October. 

PE-  The PE requirement paper is due October 3.

Pleasant Valley Christian Camp-  We enjoyed our day at PVCC, thank you to all the parents that accompanied us. You all should have a thank you note from the students, it should be in your students Friday folder.   I have also attached a brochure about the camp, several of the students have asked. 

Bible:  2 Timothy 3:16-17

Upcoming Events:  

Passport 9/29

Picture Day- 9/29 Smile pretty!

Cookie dough fundraiser ends 10/ 3

Early dismissal           10/12

No School October    10/ 13&14


Mrs. Wilson             
