Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 16

blog 4/16/2012
We are immersed in in S.A.T this week, and will not have any homework other that the two ongoing activities.  We will have no math home work, nor spelling, we will learn the Bible Verse in class and do spelling and math activities in class.  The ongoing things are the science report which is due APRIL  30th and the month passport test which is April 26th

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 9

Blog- April 9-14

Math-  pgs 224-232  Graphing  Bar/Circle/pictorial graphs and thinking puzzles
Spelling/Language  lesson 21  Homophones/homographs
Reading/ Sci    Self selected texts with questions  and Science text
Sci/Health     Book pgs  4-10, wkbk  1-2
SS and Sci-  review for standardize testing