Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Hello Everyone,
        I hope you heard all about our trip to Nisqually Wildlife sanctuary.  It was great!! I hope you all got your 4th Graders in the Park passes that they gave us.  They are worth $80 and let your fourth grader and their families into any national park in the country, while they are fourth graders.  They expire at the end of the summer.
       We have another trip coming this week, and I know a few parents have said they are planning to help.  I am so sorry, but I can’t remember who has talked to me.  Please EMAIL me to let me know.  Thank you.    
Spelling:  Lesson 27- More prefixes
Social Studies “What happened in between?”
Math:   Adding and subtracting fractions.
Science  Electricity and  STEM Bizkids  If you would like to donate a Tri-Fold or two to our Innovation Fair, we would appreciate it.  Remember these are team efforts and the team is showing off their project, via Tri-Fold  on May 12 at  6:30.   
Reading   Calendars were due today. Tomorrow there is a 10% reduction, Wednesday 25% , and Thursday,  0 credit.
Bible:  - Psalm 103: 8-12 We are looking at the attributes God.   
Computers:  Key boarding is homework.  We are working mostly on coding for the rest of the year in the lab.

Events coming up:
April         7       Wolf Haven  9:30- 1:-00 Four  parents needed* see note above- $8 charge for parents
April       11-15 Spring Break
April        19       Field Trip  OJP
April        21       Spirit Day:  Creation/Farmer Day-  The 4th grade is going to be planting and beautifying a couple areas around the campus. If you would like donate some small flowers (perennials or annual as long as they are small) for us to use it would be much appreciated.  We would also like to borrow some trowels (be sure and put your name on them) for the day. J
May          12     STEM Bizkids Innovation Fair  6:30-8:00-  Prizes for attendance 
May         19      Spring Concert
May         20      WET Science Center. Parents needed 9:30- 12:30 Free
Mrs. Wilson