Monday, December 7, 2015

Dec 7, 2015

Hello Everyone, Here is the scoop for the week! Please look for a copy of the 2nd progress report in the Monday folder this week.  Please sign and return the envelope only. 

Spelling:  Spelling as usual.   Lesson 13, test is Friday.
Social Studies:  Passport testing for this month is a bit early, December17.
Science:  Expect to find your children lurking around your house this week looking for inclined planes and screws. 
Math:  We are working on  divided by 7’s this week.  Thankfully there are only 5 new ones!! 
Reading – 20 minutes per day.  Even over vacation J. 
Bible:   “One Solitary Life” . We are memorizing this for a chapel on December 15th.  Please come!
City Gates:   Our school has adopted many families from the area, through the local outreach organization, City Gates.  Our class’s “adoptee” is a working low-income family with two kids. If you’d like to help, please send the items to school but don’t wrap them,  We will have a wrapping party here at school.   Here are some of their needs and ideas for gifts:

            Boy (10)  Pant (size 10 with adj. waist), Shirts (M) Shoes (4.5)  RC cars/trucks, books, notepads,
            Girl (8) Pants (size 8 with adj. waist) Shirts (M) Shoes, 4.5,  notepad, colored pencils, stuffed animals,                Barbie, anything from “Frozen”, books
            Mom-  Pants (16), shirts xl) shoes (6.5) heated blanket
            Dad-  Pants (34x32) Shirts XL, Shoes (12)
            Regarding the clothes for the parents: sometimes it is best to give a gift card so they can choose what  fits!

Computers:  Please help them practice keyboarding at home to increase mastery. It should be a regular part of homework.   We use     Mavis Beacon and Type to Learn are also good programs.  The BIG thing is for them to learn to keep their fingers in the proper, home row, position.  They want to hunt and peck.    

December15 One Solitary Life chapel- 4th grade-  8:00 am. Please join us!!
December        17   Christmas Program 7:00PM
December        18   Spirit Day- Living Ornaments
December        21   First day of Christmas break! 
March             19   Annual Auction- Please save the date!


Mrs. Wilson