Monday, November 26, 2012

Here is all the news:
1. We still need wire strippers for our electric board project.  Please send them in this week, if you have some to loan. Don’t run out and buy one, we will share the ones that are collected. Thanks!! (Be sure and label them).
2.  Does anyone have an artificial Christmas tree that we could borrow for December?
3.  We are going to do some painting this month (don’t ask J) so you may want to send in an oversized shirt for your student to wear at those times.  We are using tempera paint, which is supposed to come out in the wash, but you never know.
4.  We will need treats for our class Christmas party on December 18th.  Volunteers?
5.  During our class party I like to have the kids wrap a present for a homeless child.  I will talk with the class about this this week, but I thought you’d like a heads-up.  I suggest that each child bring a present ($10 or less) for a child their age and gender.  We will wrap them at the party. 

Homework for this week is:
Spelling :  Lesson 9, short U sounds and dictionary skills.   Due on Friday as usual. 
Bible verse: Genesis 1:27.  Test is Friday, November 30 .
Reading  20 minutes a day.  How is your student doing with November Book-It??  Remember it is 20 minutes per day x 5 days a week which is 100 minutes per week.  They can average 100 minutes if that works out better with your schedule. November Book-It  is due Dec. 4th!!!  Is there PIZZA in your future???
Math: Math facts: 6X began last week.  We will continue to practice 6’s this week.  We will have a 6’s test on Wednesday and a 0-6’s test on Thursday.  KenKen puzzles are due by Friday.   Skittles for anyone turning them in earlierJ
Passport:  December maps went home today.  The test is again early this month-   December 13!!!