Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 31

 Dear Parents,
Please check to see if you can accompany us on our field trip to the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.    I have one parent confirmed , thank you Mrs. George,   but I need two or three more! If you sent an email with your availability and I missed it, please let me know right away.   The Reserve has a very strict adult to kid ratio.    It will be a very enjoyable, active day.  8:40-2:30 on April 29. 
            *** Also, I hope you have made plans to come to our chapel presentation.  It is on the schedule below.

Spelling:  Lesson 28. It focuses on suffix’s .  Test and workbook are due Friday as usual.
Math:   We have begun to work on double digit multiplication .  Please give them a sample several times this week, ie 27x 32 (write it vertically)  and have them solve it. 
Social Studies:   Thank you to Mr. Jensen, Mr. Graham, and Mrs. Brimmer for helping us with our 4th of July in March party.  The rain didn’t even put out our sparklers!  I sent home the April PassPort  map today, our test is the day after everyone else’s test, because we will be on our field trip.
Science:  Science Fair is our focus for the next month.  If you have any questions, please email or we can talk about it at conferences.  I sent home the work that we have been doing in class.  We have gathered some facts, thought about some ways to group those facts (sub topics), discussed/reviewed  the format for the report, and brainstormed some catchy introductions.  The remaining work on the report needs to be done at home, and brought to school on April 17. 
            Because this is a science focus month, I have included a “Science Impossibility” activity instead of the usual  Ken Ken .   These are great fun and have some learning thrown in.  It should only take 5 minutes.  If you’d like some more Ken Ken’s just go to and you will find more that you could ever use.
Reading:  The March reading calendar is due by  Wednesday, April 2.   Remember that March’s book report is a cube with the various parts of a story on each face. It was due today Monday, March 31.   
Bible Verse:  1 Corinthians 15: 2-6a (again)

Upcoming Events
April 7-11 Spring Break
April 17th: Final Draft of Research paper (report) for the Science Fair Project is due!!!!!!!!!
April 15:    4th grade chapel:  A Jewish folktale, God is Good ,   8:00- 9:00 A.M.  Parents invited!
April 23-25 Parent/Teacher Conferences
April 29:  Field Trip to Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge-  no cost, volunteers needed!!!!
May 8: Mom’s breakfast
June 6:  Rube Goldberg style balloon popping contest- right after Father’s Breakfast.  Parents Invited!

Mrs. Wilson

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 18

 Dear Parents,

                Please check to see if you can accompany us on our field trip to the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.  They have a terrific hand-on teaching time about estuaries and habitats as well as a marvelous walk on the boardwalk.    I have had one parent confirmed (via email) that they can go with us but I need two-three more! The Reserve has a very strict adult to kid ratio.    It will be a very enjoyable active day.  8:40-2:30 on April 29. 


Spelling:  Lesson 26.  We will be looking at prefixes.   Test and workbook are due Friday as usual.
Math:   Please talk about measurements (inches, feet, yards, miles,  cups, pints, quarts, gallons,  ounces, pounds, tons, etc. with your child in a deliberate but casual way.  We are doing a mini-unit on measurement and awareness of the relative sizes is important. 
Social Studies:   Passport testing is March 27th.
Science:  Science Fair is our focus for the next month.  A large packet of information went home today.  If you have any questions, please email or we can talk about it at conferences.
Reading:  The reading calendars are due EOM plus two school days.   Remember that March’s book report is a cube with the various parts of a story on each face.  It is due at the end of the month.
Bible Verse: John 14:6- Test Monday, March 24th

Upcoming Events

March 22: Foundation Campus Auction.  DONATIONS TO OUR BASKET (Family/Classic Movies) ARE STILL NEEDED!!!
April 7-11 Spring Break
April 15:    4th grade chapel:  A Jewish folktale, God is Good ,   8:00- 9:00 A.M.  Parents invited!
April 23-25 Parent/Teacher Conferences
April 29:  Field Trip to Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge-  no cost, volunteers needed!!!!
June 6:  Rube Goldberg style balloon popping contest- right after Father’s Breakfast.  Parents Invited!


Mrs. Wilson

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 10

 Dear Parents,

                Please check to see if you can accompany us on our field trip to the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.  They  have a terrific hand-on teaching time about estuaries and habitats as well as a marvelous walk on the boardwalk.    I have had one parent confirmed that they can go with us but I need two-three more!    It will be a very enjoyable active day.  8:40-2:30 on April 29. 


Spelling:  Lesson 25.  We will be looking hard and soft “C” and “G” spellings.   Test and wkbk are due Friday as usual.
Math:  We are testing division facts.   A  Ken Ken is included with this missive and it is due Friday.  Please remind your student to put their name on it- I don’t track down any missing Ken Ken assignments.
Social Studies:   Passport is March 27th.  The maps went home last week. March is Revolutionary War month and we will declare our independence from England on March 28!!!  (this is a week later that first planned )  Thank you Mrs.  Brimmer for volunteering to send in RWB cupcakes.
Science:  We are continuing our look at magnetism and electricity.
Reading:  Remember the reading calendars are due EOM plus two school days.  Many February calendars are now past due.  I have included March’s reading calendar on the BACK of this letter J.    Remember that March’s book report is a cube with the various parts of a story on each face. 
Bible Verse:  Ephesians 4:4-6  Test is next Monday

Upcoming Events

March 13: School Spirit Day (PJ Day)  “Read-In” part of the  day, the students may bring a pillow and stuffed animal.
March 22: Foundation Campus Auction.  DONATIONS TO OUR BASKET (Family/Classic Movies) ARE STILL NEEDED!!!
April 7-11 Spring Break
April 15:    4th grade chapel:  A Jewish folktale, God is Good ,   8:00- 9:00 A.M.  Parents invited!
April 23-25 Parent/Teacher Conferences
April 29:  Field Trip to Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge-  no cost, volunteers needed
June 6:  Rube Goldberg style balloon popping contest- right after Father’s Breakfast.  Parents Invited!


Mrs. Wilson