Monday, December 9, 2013

Dec 9

 Dear Parents,

Our wonderful Christmas program is Thursday, December 12th.   All of the kids have assured me that they talked to you about the expected attire! Mrs. Fennell says white on the top and black on the bottom. Skirts or dresses for girls and slacks for boys and a splash of color!
Our Christmas Party is the 20th in the afternoon.  I put a sign-up sheet outside the door.  We will keep it simple and wrap some presents for children in homeless families.  We are working with City Gates.    Please bring an UNWRAPPED gift for a boy or girl the same age as your child.  We are making wrapping paper and writing a note to go with the presents that the kids bring in. 
Notice the schedule for our trip to Olympic Junior Programs.  
Please stop by the hall by the office and see our “Portraits of Christ”.  We are learning about painting a picture with words. 
Spelling:  Lesson 14.  Test and workbook are due Friday as usual.  If this makes an undue hardship for you because of the Christmas Concert on Thursday , please let me know and we will make another arrangement for your child to take the test.
Math:  Please continue to work with your student at home on math facts.  Notice the addition of a KenKen to the math homework .    The two KenKens are due Friday.  It is either a 10 (done and done right),  5 (attempted but not quite right) or a zero in the grade book!  Yikes! 
Passport:  The December test is Thursday,  December 19th!
Reading:  Keep them reading.  I included the December reading calendar with my letter last week.  Because of the craziness that happens at Christmas time, I am only requiring the reading calendar for the weeks that we are in school. If you can send it in on December 20th it would be great.   Of course keep them reading, but I know how schedules change and keeping track of things becomes more difficult.
Bible Verse:  We are learning the poem “One Solitary Life. We will be performing at chapel on the 17th.  The entire text is on the back of this missive.

Scheduled Field Trips:  
January 22:  WET Science Center in Olympia.  We will leave at 9:30 and return around 12:30.  Free
February 12: We will be going to a terrific presentation about the human body called Bodyology.  It will be a very good review of our health unit about the different body systems.   The cost for chaperones is $6.    
February 21, Friday  Olympic Junior Programs- “Four Score and Seven Years Ago”. Leaving at 9:30 the cost for chaperons is $4.

Upcoming Events 
December 12: CCA Christmas Program 7:00
December 17:  4th grade Chapel, please plan on coming if you can! 8:00 AM start time- Done by about 8:45
December 19: Passport
December 20: Spirit Day/Class party


Mrs. Wilson

One solitary life

One Solitary Life
Dr. James Allen Francis, 1926
He was born in an obscure village
The child of a peasant woman
He grew up in another village
Where he worked in a carpenter shop
Until he was thirty

Then for three years he was an itinerant preacher
He never wrote a book
He never held an office
He never had a family or owned a house
He didn’t go to college
He never visited a big city
He never travelled two hundred miles
From the place where he was born

He did none of the things
One usually associated with greatness
He had no credentials but himself

He was only thirty three,
When the tide of public opinion turned against Him
His friends ran away,
One of them denied him
He was turned over to his enemies
And went through the mockery of a trial

He was nailed to a cross between two thieves
While dying, his executioners gambled for his clothing,
The only property he had on earth.

When He was dead
He was laid in a borrowed grave
through the pity of a friend

Twenty centuries have come and gone
Today Jesus is the leader of mankind's progress
and the central figure of the human race

All the armies that have ever marched
All the navies that have ever sailed
All the parliaments that have ever sat
All the kings that ever reigned put together
Have not affected the life of mankind on earth
As much as that one solitary life!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 2

 Dear Parents,
                I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.  In class last week, we talked about all the things we have to be grateful for.  I was very impressed that most of them didn’t focus on toys or things but on our true blessings. 
Please note the two new things in our schedule,  Spirit Day and our 4th grade chapel. 
Spelling:  Lesson 13.  We are looking at the schwa and new vocabulary words.  Test and workbook are due Friday
Math:  Please continue to work with your student at home on math facts.  Notice the addition of a KenKen to the math homework .    The two KenKens are due Friday.  It is either a 10 (done and done right),  5 (attempted but not quite right) or a zero in the grade book!  Yikes! 
Passport:  The December test is Thursday,  December 19th!
Reading:  Keep them reading.  The November calendar is due at the end of the month + two days, so the November reading calendar is due December 3.   As an ongoing guideline, please help them find books that they will enjoy, are at a comfortable reading level, and that they will read from beginning to end.  If they abandon a book part way through, the time still counts toward their reading goal, but I’d like to see them all find books that they enjoy reading all the way through.  I have included December’s tracker on the back of this letter.
Bible Verse:  We are learning the poem “One Solitary Life” This week’s text is below. We will be performing at chapel on the 17th. 

Scheduled Field Trips:
January 22:  WET Science Center in Olympia.  We will leave at 9:30 and return around 12:30.  Free
February 12: We will be going to a terrific presentation about the human body called Bodyolygy.  It will be a very good review of our health unit about the different body systems.   The cost for chaperones is $6.    
February:  Olympic Junior Programs- “Four Score and Sever Years Ago”.  The date is not finalized.

Upcoming Events 
December 12: CCA Christmas Program 7:00
December 17:  4th grade Chapel, please plan on coming if you can! 8:00 AM start time- Done by about 8:45
December 20: Spirit Day

Mrs. Wilson

Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 12, 2013

 Dear Parents,
            Thank you to all the parents who accompanied us to Wolf Haven.  The Lord blessed us with wonderful weather in the midst of a rainy November, so we had a great time.  Please check our field trip list, below, I still need more parents to chaperone all of them.  We are going to the Lacey Library on November 26th, please consider chaperoning.  There is no cost for the Library (well, there is a cost of course, your tax dollars at work!).  All time counts toward your CCA stewardship hours.
Our school supports two students through World Vision.  Please help your student develop a generous spirit by reminding them to bring an offering for WV.  We collect it at the chapel on Tuesday, but they may bring it anytime. 

Spelling:  Lesson 10.  Short “U”   Workbook and test are both on Friday, yes, even in a short week!!
Math:  We will continue to work on 4’s and 5’s and then add 6’s this week. Watch for an update for students that are having trouble with facts memorizing.   
Passport:  The November test  Tuesday, November 26. The map went home last week.
Reading:  Keep them reading.  The November calendar is due at the end of the month + two days, so the November reading calendar is due December 3.   As an ongoing guideline, please help them find books that they will enjoy, are at a comfortable reading level, and that they will read from beginning to end.  If they abandon a book part way through the time still counts toward their reading goal, but I’d like to see them all find books that they enjoy reading all the way through. The Children’s Libertarian at our local public library is a veritable fount of information about books kids enjoy and can help you if you are stuck.  I have a large library in my classroom, but sometimes students need more choices!   As you know reading is the key to all future school work!
Bible Verse test Monday, November 18.  Revelation 1:8

Scheduled Field Trips: I have made plans for four field trips.  Please let me know, via email, if you’d like to chaperon.  IF there is a cost, the chaperone needs to pay their own way.  Some trips are quite popular. Please let me know right away if you’d like to help out. 
November 26:  We will be going to the Lacey Library.  Since our school library is out of service this year, the students will need to be familiar with the public library to find books to help with their Science Fair research papers.  No cost.   Chaperones are still needed.
February 12: We will be going to a terrific presentation about the human body called Bodyolygy.  It will be a very good review of our health unit about the different body systems.   The cost for chaperones is $6.    
February  Olympic Junior Programs- “Four Score and Sever Years Ago”.  The date is not finalized. 


Upcoming Events 
November 14: Decades Day- Plan now so we can keep our Perfect Participation “Honor” goingJ.
November 20: Operation Christmas Child boxes are due.
November 20-22:  Conferences- Early dismissal.
November 26: Passport Testing
November 27: Early Dismissal 12 noon
December 12: CCA Christmas Program 7:00


Mrs. Wilson