Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 16

Greetings on a dreary rainy November day!  I guess Northwest winter has arrived.  It is such a fun time of year, though, that somehow I don’t mind.  I hope this finds you cozy and warm.

Spelling:  Lesson 11,    long “U”
Science:  Expect to find your children still lurking around your house this week, looking for simple machines J
Math:  6’s  in division this week.   Their mastery needs to be good to move forward with Long Multiplication and Long Division which are looming!!     6’s division tests will be Wednesday and Friday. 
Reading-20 minutes a day
Bible:   God is Omnipotent   Jeremiah 32:17`
Operation Christmas Child – Boxes are due November 18
Computers:  We are doing keyboarding practice once or twice a week during computer class.  This is a skill that 4th graders need to be reasonably proficient at by the end of 4th grade.  Please help them practice at home to increase mastery. It should be a regular part of homework.   We use     Mavis Beacon and Type to Learn are also good programs.  The BIG thing is for them to learn to keep their fingers in the proper, home row, position.  They want to hunt and peck. J There will be a grade for keyboarding at the end of progress 2 which is November 24.    

Up Coming Events:

November       18   Operation Christmas Boxes are due.  We will have chapel, pray for the children that will receive the boxes,  and then send them on their way J
November       24   Passport Testing/  End of Progress 2
November       25   ½ day, dismissal at 12:00pm,  Thanksgiving Break
December        17   Christmas Program 7:00PM
December        18  Spirit Day- Living Ornaments
March             19   Annual Auction- Please save the date!


Mrs. Wilson